Monday, September 01, 2008

swell tering heat

I spent the day at a series of concerts. Taking pictures. Video taping, sometimes talking to people. It was a good day. I enjoyed it. But I also realized there isn't much need for another camera man out there. So many people taking pictures and videos... I don't know if its worth anything. Sure I like them... so I will probably continue... but is it necessary... not so much.
I had a great day but on three hours of sleep... so when i returned home around 7ish... I passed out hardcore.
Woke around 10:30-11:00 hungry. Also with less energy and less excitement.
I feel like the world is passing me by right now... which is crazy because I am being offered everything on a plate. Still there is something missing.

If I wake up early tomorrow. I will go to the capital and spend the day in St. Paul. Harriet Island and other events.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be at the Capital. Hope to find you?
