Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No offense to the baby makers out there.
and I know just last week I was complaining about how I am not doing my duty to make enough babies... but uh.... it freaks me out how many baby pictures are on facebook now. What happened to drunken debauchery? oh, it lead to babies.

Nikki was suggested as a possible friend. I think we were facebook friends once. I think she dropped me after I asked her if we could be friends again. I'm sort of not good at that whole thing.
Anyway, like the casual stalker that I am, I looked up her name in a google search. I know she lives in another state now, but there is a woman with the same name around the same age who lives in mn and who now has a baby. This could be her.... but I don't think it is. It did scare me for a second though.

Odd how other people getting pregnant and having babies makes me nervous.

1 comment:

Yumi Lover said...

OMG. No, all the babies make me REALLY nervous too. Did you see the pictures of me with my friend's baby? Yeah, effing scary. She doesn't read your blog, so I have to say more than excited for her I was horrified when she gave birth. Am I a terrible person? And the more babies I see other people having the less I want one of my own. Ever.