Wednesday, August 22, 2007

HMMM general updates.... best buy called yesterday, and said i might be able to fix my comp.... i opted for the cheaper but less saved version of saving pictures and word files... and forgetting things like videos ( all that hard work) and music (hours more of uploading cds, or going the non materialistic way, and just not bringing any music....)

um I just sent the teacher im working with an e mail.... i didnt say much, except that i have no idea what this is all about, and look forward to working with them.

uh im doing laundry....

i was gonna paint of draw tonight, but havent gotten up the urge yet... and its 11:09.

lastly....maybe i have written about this before but.

Me and Illy were recently talking about what we want/need in a relationship... comparing notes and what not..
and i came to the sad realization i have come to many times before... including after each breakup (check there in the archives if you are looking for me saying something like this before)
but uh...
Im pretty boring, and not very datable.
Now i mean this in the sense that, I dont bring a lot of excitement to the table... sure I will go out to eat, see a movie, see a show, see an art gallery or museum... i might go out for coffee.. i might shop. and if u are really lucky, i might go out of the country with you and do all of these things... but thats pretty much it.
I don't usually dance, at clubs or for fun.
I can be romantic, but im not prone to it.
I can be adventurous, but never count on it.
I don't tend to suggest things like picnics, walks, athletic or even fun things like swimming.
I'll do crafty things, but honestly its easier to paint or draw alone, not because its more fun, but because u get something done alone... where as with others, while more fun, people tend to either lazy out of it, or get distracted... so the majority of those things i do.... are uh.... not applicable.
I might goof around, I might be weird when we are out... I might make up jokes or stories, or voices... but around friends this is normal, around life partners (temporary or otherwise) we tend to settle out of these traits and opt for more chillaxing things. more soothing.
Now one can expect me to be a little weird in the bedroom, but I dont tend to go crazy with acts of public affection, thus excitement isnt shared, heightened, rollercoastered...
I do things occasionally like perform songs, or drama, or public readings of poetry, but that is not really as shared an event as it should be.
so in general what does this boil down to?

I can be talked to, we can have lots of conversation... but when you get sick of that I have very few answers... oh and I like to answer, not just listen and that can be super annoying.... because I feel like I have something to offer then... then its active rather than passive...
I can watch movies and listen to music and read stories, but i can be a bit of a snob in all those categories.
I can go out to eat, or cook, but all of you know how weird i am... and that blatantly pisses people off after a while...
I can hang out with people, but if i dont know my place, or dont like your friends, or the scene... well I will make that known.
Uh I can be dragged along on numerous activities that I dont seem excited for, and the truth is.... you better do it.. because I might actually enjoy it a lot.. and I wont ever get it through my head that things like that are fun.

what does that add up to?

weird picky friend material.
thats right... im superfly.


Anonymous said...

We can all make a list of unattractive qualities.
I am sorry you are having a hard time, kid.

Anonymous said...

I really do wonder what would happen if everyone made such lists. My guess would be widespread depression and a sharp decrease in all dating activities. The economy would crumble, gondola workers would soon be unemployed. Think of the children, Mike. Won't somebody please think of the children?

Not that there'd be any...
