Thursday, May 31, 2007

so heres a serious question for the three of you who might actually answer (feel free to comment if there are already three answers, dont be shamed away)

If you had to choose between going down in the minds and hearts of all the people you love, as the person you want to be... like accomplishing the things you want to, treating people the way you want to treat them, etc etc... but not finding anyone to share it with... (in essence like sharing with many people, but not finding anyone in particular more special, and dying well loved/respected, but not attached)
being attached to one person (two three whatever your choice) but having them remember you as more of a normal human, special to them, but not anything special to the world...

which would u choose?


I think I would rather find someone, but it would disappoint my ego greatly to not be special... and im sort of wondering to what extent that means im all egotistical...
also Im wondering if fate pushes the other one in my direction, if i would be able to handle that.... try to be great, but not connected
I know in the sort of ideal short run, I have made peace with death (obviously i wouldnt know until i faced it) but in the long run, i expect a lot from life... and assume i will be disappointed if one of these two things doesnt happen, but which would i be more disappointed with?


Anonymous said...

I wonder which one is the more hedonistic desire. It seems to depend on what is the source of your happiness, and what sticks with you. Knowing that you'll be remembered is something that will by definition be holding with you until your dying day, and then beyond. But if your near and dear die before you, they are only living in your memory.
That choice is too painful to make. You just have to wait it out and see. -q

Anonymous said...

I don't know. Right now I feel like I have the first one, because I am in the lives of so many people but I don't have the depth of connection with a few people that I'd like to, its hard to complain about being generally well-liked and happy. However, I don't have one person like a significant other who really truly knows and loves me fully. So I guess I need to try that before I can say for certain. In the end its about being happy and making other people happy, so whichever one accomplishes that is A-OK with me.
