Wednesday, May 30, 2007

People in my dreams are so much more affectionate than in real life, thats sort of weird.

my mom woke me up with a call from menards where she was waiting to hear about the screen door length and width.... which meant i had to run downstairs to get a tape measure and measure the door in my boxers.... nice.

the last of the pre-meetings today... then i am apparently going shopping with my pops for some clothes... though i seem to have 2 wardrobes already.

Someone in a dream told me my striped shirt didnt look very formal, i was standing ina room full of people wearing various forms of striped attire, and some how mine stood out as less formal to them. I also spent half of that dream running around on a small snow mobile looking for my car... thinking that I would put the sno mobile in the trunk when i found the car... but i basically had to wait till the parking lot was clear before I found it, and I think steve was waiting for me to call him.
lots of weird shit in my dreams honestly...
friends of friends, coloring books, i think there was cake.
but there should always be cake right?


Anonymous said...

I always have the oddest dreams at the Full Moon times. Last night I was being chased and then decided, you know what? No more. So I took off my high heeled shoes and prepared to do battle. Also, I was a gypsy! And then later, a child. I have bizarre and cinematic dreams, and yes, people are always more affectionate in them, but it always makes far less sense.

Anonymous said...

In my recent dreams I have had to grapple with the chance to kill my supposed foes. I don't think that I ever actually killed anyone.
I have also had a lot of water dreams recently.
Do you believe in dream interpretation?