Saturday, May 19, 2007

Lunch with Nova was good, but it made me think about all the things there arent really words for. Too many major concepts without answers, or easy answers at least and these conversations can turn in to up all nights, and given time they can turn to poetry, songs, books, and movements, given time maybe they could turn into changes, given enough time and effort maybe they could turn in to a better world.. but we were exhausted with a few hours...

and afterwards that psychic didnt tell me what i needed to hear.

I been sitting around not really doing anything productive, watching a lot of movies instead of making them. Thinking alot but not writing it down and I havent even started in on the fun reading... my rents will be gone all next week and I wonder if I will be lonely... I wonder if I will buy groceries.

check in and tell me how your day was.. it would mean a whole lot to me. thanks

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