Friday, May 25, 2007

I think the problem with living in the present, is that it pretty much requires forgetting (to some degree) the past. Which might seem to be a good thing, as in not letting yourself be held down by old bullshit...but it also might mean not learning the lessons from past mistakes.... and even more so, it might mean forgetting the good times -because how can they compare to now? Well they probably cant just due to the fact that your hormones and chemicals are flowing at the time, not later, but how fair is it to your life that has come before to say "this is the best meal" "this is the best trip" "this is the best conversation" "this is the best person" ever ever ever ever... sure u mean it at the time... but wait a day, a week, a month, a year and all of a sudden that feeling is quite diminished because the present has been calling... and the past seems less shiny-new-exciting.

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