Tuesday, July 01, 2003

someone teach me how to put pictures up, i have a digital camera i could have done a million perverted things by now, u have no idea how many sick pictures i could have taken al in their natural orgasmic state!!

anyway big wu manana im pretty sure im going but my mother and brothers get home from tanzania tomorrow as well and that may present complications (like in child birth!) but anyway u should go cuz its at harriet island instead of the capital and remember the storms arent supposed to come till thursday (when i will be working) so get ur kicks in before the whole shit house goes up u know?

hmm i saw anger management today and it well hella better then all yall made me think it would be.
"i feel pretty"

i no longer have kazaa cuz i got all paranoid that the shit would like melt my comp but i guess we will just have to wait for the melting of the century.

well im gonna go mix bleach and that other chemical

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