Saturday, July 19, 2003

hmm just for the record, i understand the fact that my facial hair/neck hair is rather disturbing and gross, howeva it does have two advantages other then just the laziness and female comments thing (um when i shave people think im a girl, which doesn't make sense but oh well)

So reason numero uno: i think when people see grubby people they dont necessarily feel they need to impress them, and no one needs to try to impress me.

Reason numero dos: whether its gross or not, it does make me look at least 6 months older then I am, which whether we like it or not does have a sort of authoritarian side to it (age I mean) and whether I like to admit it or not, I am a pretty authoritative guy. I mean I give orders like no one's business. So It helps in a sense, me to give orders, but also so that others don't have to get all mad because they feel im their age and giving orders, my hope is subconsciously they will add on age and thus authority because of the facial hair and be able to drop their pride so that they can receive my "orders" as it were. Which i really only try to give when they are needed, however confront a brotha if im being a dick, for i surely am sometimes.

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