Wednesday, July 16, 2003

According to the clock its 9:44 in the AM.

Some of you are now saying to yourselves, "Mike, awake in the morning, maybe he didn't go to bed."

But I did.
Now you're saying "oh this must be some impostor for Mike would never be awake this early."
You'd be wrong, on this occasion.

All I know is that at some point my entire family woke up, my mother woke me up to say something about a refrigerator repairman coming, and then i couldn't get back to sleep, spending at least an hour in bed choreographing salsa moves, and moaning from heart burn (and not he kind of heart pain Elizabeth would have had from dancing yesterday)

Anyway. They all left, and I did some laundry, and fixed my window, and decided I could go back to bed. And that's when it hit me, Melon balls!

You see not only did/do we have both a cantaloupe and a watermelon in my fridge, we also have a little melon ball thingy. Now im not entirely sure where we got it, maybe its a new import from my mom and grant's marriage, i mean we have new knives, glasses, screw drivers, why not a melon ball thing? Maybe we had it all along and my mother had simply chosen not to use it. maybe its not even a melon ball thing and I just thought it was. Either way, from my bed up stairs I decided that we must have one, and was not the least bit surprised when I found one in the kitchen downstairs after a brief search.

I proceeded, cantaloupe, not my favorite but what the hey. I pulled it out, it looked funny so I grabbed a big ass sharp knife, a tool I think every kitchen should have. Cut the damn thing up and went to town with my new melon ball gadget.

Now maybe you are already wondering why IM getting a kick out of this, maybe you think im demented. Maybe you're right. Maybe, anyway this whole thing is new to me. Cuz we never have melon balls, my mom slices the damn thing into pieces with said big ass sharp knife, and you get these half assed cube things and for some reason i always assumed that since there is such a device as a melon ball thingy, they must in some way be superior. Now im not elitist, in no way am I saying that from now on I will only take this superior product, but what I am saying is that occasionally, at 9:30 in the morning when I shouldn't really be awake, I like a bowl full of ball like fruit. And so it is.

So half way through making half asset cantaloupe balls (it didn't really work out as planned, im not a skilled practitioner) I dropped the thing on the floor. I washed it off, not being so OC in the morning when im only half awake. Anyway then i got out the watermelon and it worked better, cuz watermelon is a better fruit (in my opinion) um thats pretty much it, im devouring melon balls as we speak. or read and type or something. peace to the love from the Tizzaf

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