Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I find myself listening to a lot of "somebody's crying" by chris isaak
one of a couple song by him i like, i think he toured with lisa loeb, or at least had her on his show so he cant be too bad a guy.

as I drove home and over to gabs house tonight i found myself speaking in rhymes and riddles and metaphors and all sorts of bullshit about this fog that enveloped our little city. It seemed pretentious to write about it but really, it was a beautiful night. kelsey described the park by her house as being a bowl full of fog, and i imagined it that way even before talking to her.

"i wanna be more than a pretty girl" ~Ani been listening to her a lot lately too. hmm

hmm is right. Nothin to say, im thinking bout backing out of my boys cali trip and that will cause fuss cuz chances are they wont go without me, i dont think i would feel bad if they did. Financial difficulties be the reason.

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