Sunday, April 27, 2003

check your news,
anyway u gotta love the fact that whenever our government is looking for something, say to link al Qaida and saddam, *poof* it just shows up. Hmm something to make france look bad, *poof* "we found it" weapons of mass destruction *poof* "why not over here?"

Im not saying none of this shit exists, i mean it all could, but if it doesnt, we will find it anyway, unless it serves a greater purpose to find it later, like in Syria.

Fun times. Charlton heston stepped down as pres to the NRA, a democrat looked really bad debating a republican on the gun issue this morning on cnn.

HMM Aimee took me and chris and her girls to a party thrown by a guy at jamba juice. So many heads that looked familiar, and yet i knew no one.

My drug needs more sugar, i gotta wake up, opening and closing and working alone at the mall today, pretty big responsibility considering its like my second week. Oh well wish me luck.

Gabs dont get SARS!! or whatever cuz thats some scary shit and u would probably live through it (it does not kill most) but ur boy mike aint got an immune system according to the note u left in my senior year book, so uh just dont get it.

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