Monday, April 07, 2003

and this is gonna be one of those straight up bio posts: as in "this was my day."

Nick woke me up, thats little nick, not my boss, and said "i got lots of homework, u should work for me tonight" and I said fine. So i struggled to get ready though it was 3:00 pm and i had to work at 4:30 but i was up till 7:00 this morning playing computer games like a nerd (something i have been getting back into) so i figure it was ok for me to be sleepy despite the hour. At the mall, my boss greeted me and said it was dead and we talked about my new job options as in im probably gonna be working at the candy shop across from my work for the next few months, and that will be swell cuz i owe my mom like 500 bucks for car insurance and thats just for 6 months. Anyway then I started a working and oh boy was it fun (sarcasm applied) cuz it was slow, but there was one good thing, the damn easter bunny is set up across from us and today there was a youthful bunny. A youthful and flirtatious bunny, dancing and prancing and waving and miming all sorts of conversations. picking up little kids, playing hide and seek. Anyway it was entertaining, and she liked me.
Several cats i knew stopped by not necessarily for me, since nick was supposed to be working. Anyway after work i got some fast food cuz i was starving and then lauren and illy and aimee drove me around in their earth killer mobiles and they drank and smoked and i ate french fries.
Now im trying to convince pete to smooth over relations with aimee cuz they been a squabbling.

and i'll be honest i actually did spell check this and just ignored a lot of what they told me to do so ha

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