Sunday, July 15, 2012

What number is this 26?

I just got back from an 11:30 Movie at Riverview theater. I had never been there and it is quite the venue. Very much keeping alive the 60s-70s theater style but not falling apart. I wonder if the Uptown will look like that after the renovations. Anyway, I went with my roommate and a few of his friends who were celebrating a birth day. 
Its interesting to see a group of folks who all went to college, have grown together over the years, moved beyond their college experience, yet still are very active in each other's lives. My roommate says some of them were RAs together, which explains it somewhat. 
But even in a group of friends, there is drama, weird divides and probably  a little too much poking fun in the sore spots. 
We went and saw Jurassic Park, which in my mind is a fairly decent movie, full of laughs and scares... but to this group it is like THE MOVIE. They know all the characters names, they know what they are wearing, they know the lines, they know the tiny little things that happen in the background. Still they enjoy it.
I wonder if they spent hours watching it over and over together like my floor watch Kung Pow.
I find myself attracted to several of the women that frequent my house. I don't really know them, I don't really know how I would jump the gap. I have no idea if they are single. But its nice to have a constant reminder that I am actually attracted to people. I wonder though, when some of our roomies move, if there will be a new place to hang, and if I will then, not be invited.

Today I did some yoga with SoT'ers. There were 4 of us, and we couldn't get into the gym so we went to the lake, and at first I was really nervous, but it ended up being super fucking awesome. The breeze on the lake made the 85 degree temp bearable, Christa gave us poses that weren't too intense, but helped us stretch and relax. I actually felt like I got outside my head for like 20 minutes... which is not something I can do very often. I think I can understand why people seek out that feeling, but for me, because it is new, I am not always sure if I like it.... sort of like being high, its fascinating but do I want to spend my time that way?

Then I had lunch with my mom, we got into some good conversations about relationships, moms, children, adoption. She was more supportive of the possible donation thing than I expected, and it has pretty much given me the go ahead, but there are still a few people I want to talk to first. Jess, Pete, my dad.  I think I will mention it to my brothers when I actually start the process, if the ladies are still interested that is. 

I took a 4 hour nap and was still tired. 
I will probably head to bed now. But overall I'd say it was a good first day of break. 

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