Friday, July 13, 2012


I am so out of the habit, that it is hard to know what to write.
When I am traveling there are new things, details and thoughts to discuss. In my normal every day life I am not sure there is that much to report. I haven't been feeling all that creative lately. I think the weather sucks it right out of me.  I am reading, but I don't have the book in front of me to quote and reflect on. I am about to start season 2 of madmen, which I kinda disliked until about half way through season one. Now the characters are growing on me... but overall I still don't know that it is a show worthy of the attention it gets.

I spent a few minutes thinking about age differences in relationships. A friend told me she was dating someone who I didn't know was significantly older than she was. I would have guessed a few years older but not over a decade. Partially just because he seems young to me.

I think growing up with brothers on either side made it hard for me to recognize that relationships with people significantly older or younger are ok... I was infringing on someone else's territory if I strayed more than a year or two in either direction.  I cannot imagine dating someone my parent's age or even a decade older or younger. My coworkers who I adore sometimes display their different set of cultural markers and I am thrown off completely.

Tomorrow is the last day of summer school. Though I have technically started my 5th year. Its more like an ending to the 4th since we didn't get much of a break. I am looking forward to it, but with some apprehension. Its not hard to recognize how quick I fall into the depression trap when I have no structure.
Sat I have yoga at 10:30, lunch with my mom and evening with Jess V,
Sunday SoT, then leadership meeting (then probably some SoT work)
Monday I have a cohort meeting and perhaps dinner plans
Wednesday Prayer Vigil
Thursday Art Night
Sunday  gathering.

Those are some good structured events, but that leaves entire days in which I am sure I will be sleeping in, and watching a lot of nothing... and sitting on the web checking facebook for hours.

And on that note.
I am off.
Enjoy your wicked awesome self.

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