Saturday, July 21, 2012

some pictures

I think all the major things in my life are going at a pace that is significantly slower than the one I am used to, this coupled with the fact that I have immense amounts of time on my hand = Mike feeling super unproductive and somewhat unhappy.

Its basically that, even if I put a bunch of energy into something, everyone else is moving at a slower pace. So how I will be delayed by them or whatever.

Like if I work on school stuff, well I can spend an afternoon designing classes, and it may all go well and good, but then I don't actually get to see them played out for over a month and a half.

Or I could strategize about the year, but same deal.

I could do spirit of truth stuff, but I need the rest of the group to move forward.

I could do my own projects, but where is their value if I don't have anyone to check in with, or celebrate with if I accomplish them.

I dunno.

I might need to leave town.

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