Monday, February 25, 2008

teaching is kind of awful.... the moment you get caught up with one thing, a whole new unit or wave of work comes up.
I might be more ok with that if i had things prepared a month or two ahead of time... or if i wasnt doing homework for school too, but as it is... im about 2-3 weeks behind in lesson plans... I am barely getting through each day... and the grading is piling up constantly.
I brought home about 50 notebooks to grade tonight... plus 30 quizzes... and that meant leaving 30 5 sheet packets, and 30 other packets for a later date.

I have two classes taking tests tomorrow, but since neither test will take more than 20-30 minutes I need to plan for an hour of class time... and I am supposed to have individual conference time with each student... but who knows if that will happen.
I want to sneak at least 1 day of history of the Americas in... and I think that will be tomorrow... but I cant very well have them read and do worksheets for an hour... there will be chaos.
part of the problem is that when I leave them alone, they don't seem to get it... or they don't care and they start getting all fussy....

When i put a lot of effort into something it sometimes works out, but most of the time doesn't seem to matter... so why bother right?

argh... fuck it... i gotta go back to doing work.


Anonymous said...

In the words of a very intelligent philosopher: You can DO it!
Keep up the hard work, I believe in you! Just keep reminding yourself that you are helping to shape student's lives, even if in a small way!

Yumi Lover said...

I was wondering why you were so slow to play your turn in scrabbulous... jk, chin up dude!! I really think that even though so many kids seem completely apathetic about everything that's going on, a lot more sticks to them than they let on. Good luck :)