Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Well maybe i was just waiting for krystin to post...
actually I dont really know what to put on here anymore, right now at least.

I left for work at 6 this morning and got home at 5:45 and that is how my days will go for the next few weeks.
I just took over my third class, so now i am totally unprepared and behind all the time, instead of treading water... its a nice tipping point to say "ha, you thought you were screwed before? well we can really screw you now."

I also had my first phone conference with a parent today.
It went well.

I was thinking about posting some pictures from morris this last weekend, but many of you have seen boring morris pictures, same people, same locations...

I was thinking maybe i could post a picture of my overloaded backpack every night... each day it seems to get bigger... and technically is.
but you wouldnt be interested in that.

I cant post paintings or drawings or poetry, because I haven't had time to write, draw, paint in weeks... I can't tell you about friends or other thoughts because well.... i havent really done anything other than school... I spose i went to morris... and it was fairly awesome and just what i needed... not to mention other people were stressed with homework so i actually got work done there while having an intellectual and social refresher... and dons and china...
-yeah that was all pretty kick ass..

but the life is busy.... and not so exciting...
I think im fairly stressed but doing aight...
I did swear at the radio in my car today, but only because jason lewis is such a fucking asshole...

this very conservative motherfucker was going on and on about how the mn legislature was trying to raise taxes during a recession time, which is unheard of according to him... but what he failed to mention was that the taxes were going to reimburse all the budget cuts that pawlenty and other repub assholes have forced the state to cut... such as environment/park up keep, and road/bridge upkeep... of course jason lewis is the guy who champions the tax cut coalition, which opposes all taxes out of principle and thus even when the tax is for something important like a fucking bridge, he hates the idea.... he also called pawlenty a moderate... which scared the bejesus out of me... cuz if pawlenty is a moderate what the fuck is a conservative?


Anonymous said...

haha, gracias senor. I know how you feel though, I always feel like I have nothing relevant or interesting to say, but then I figure that people at least like to know that you're still out there...

Laurel said...

You should post pictures from Morris...or how about those pictures from the final days in Morris in December? I bet there are some awesome ones. It would be nice for some nostalgia cause not everyone is in Morris. Come on, Mike, consider your audience! Heh heh.