Friday, April 14, 2006

(i forgot to mention this is both a traveling and personal blog)

As soon as I get wireless anywhere I will have a number of updates for all three sites...
lots has happened and actually i have been having a great time.. I sort of feel really blessed, like someone is looking out for me, so i keep praying to higher powers saying thanks..
Im sorry i dont have time to write much, and havent been on as much lately... but when i can I will write a ton...

Im in serajevo and its tough to see...
this city was under seige for like 3 years and 11,000 people died.
Its also a beautiful city and an extremely interesting mix of east and west with mosques and churches everywhere..
its cheap as hell.
today i got a two scoop icecream cone (gelatto style) for about 51 euro cents

hmmm my project is going well. im meeting interesting cats, and seeing the most beautiful landscapes ever...
The conversations are interesting and some times hard... today more than ever I have wondered if maybe war is ok to solve some problems (like NATO bombing the serbian army ending the 3 year seige in 5 days)
but I also think it means more than ever that we should be fighting for prevention.. im sick of the pay the bill later policies... we need to look forward and prepare for possible rough waters...

but yeah actually things are bella, im gonna go now before i piss my pants
peace and love

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