Monday, February 20, 2006

you would think with all this time on my hands I would do some homework or something but instead, last night from like 11-2 I joked with some cats and drew paint pics on my computer, and listened to this sweet band from barcelona. I happened upon them, and in that incarnation they had an upright bass player who was amazing! and then a violinist or maybe violaist who could totally jam with the bassist, so it worked out to create genious. and then an accoustic guitarist and a singer with a pretty decent and strong voice, (singing without a mic) and the combination was beautiful and perfect. On the cd (10 fucking euros...) they add a horns section which works out in a lot of ways but doesnt have the same feel, so im trying to get in to that too, sort of jazz-classical-hip funk stuff i dont know what to call it but its real smooth and real cool.

um been fucking around with some cats in the hostel, and by fucking around i mean joking. funny cats. for some reason both the madrid and barcelona hostels we have stayed at have like restrictions on lights and common rooms past 11 so even if everyone is up and having a good time, they are like "ok time to turn out the lights" thanks mom...
me and krystin had a bit of a "fun" time...
you can read her side on her site. but i think we will\have gotten past it for now.
um barcelona, city of fun and dreams and beauty. beaches, and bell buildings, and parks and street performers. my kind of town really. it might be one of the only cities in europe i could actually see myself living for like a good amount of time... like 25 years or something. plus the weather is usually nice.

steve my lil brother e mailed me and said he might want to come out for spring break, which would be great but i dont know how we would deal with that. cuz it would probably be either when i was with alexis or with illy, and i really want to have some time to chill with them alone. so im hoping he thinks more strongly about early summer, but he may not be able to with his work schedule. (both my brothers have real jobs, and me? i drop school to go traveling for a few months)

todays quote of the day (krystin thinks this is stupid)

talking about some women who are gonna walk to the center of the city

"Yeah they are like me, (with a deeper gruff voice) bad ass."

anywho off to geneva tonight, tomorrow morning i will be freezing my ass off, with 2 sweatshirts and a rain jacket on. and you? where will you be?

there is a juggler with trash on his head outside the window.... barcelona is awesome... you should come.
(although its gotten more scandalous since last time, and i dont think its an improvement) more casinos, strip clubs, drugs, prostitution. I got offered every drug and sex from multiple guys and girls while krystin was in an internet cafe for 45 mins the other day.

still name me a better city? and it will be a debate....

2 weeks and then a new plan... will we have the dinero?
me thinks so..., krystin seems hella determined.
and i got things to write and draw and paste to my book that are just not ready yet. oh well
im babbling.

¨ I was once jailed for being problem free, for some reason they called it insanity¨

the juggler reminds me of abe from morris.
the beads were a good band.
you enjoy myself
wow hes good...
peace and love

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