Monday, February 27, 2006

I had this horrible dream last night, It was like everything I hope im not happening because i momentarily lost control, and then a complete inability to pick up the pieces, a realization of permenance in that area of being guilty...
of ruining the things (the relationships) that drag me out of that everytime.

On a lighter note I spent 8 euros today to get wireless and turn in all my homework, (well most of it) hopefully end up with a B in those classes but we shall see.

Tonight we head for Paris, Aprehensive because of decisions made from worries, but looking forward to seeing someone in particular, and also maybe to move on to easier things? I guess I have been looking at the time with Alexis and Illy as my vacation from all this traveling, not that it has been particularly hard, I actually feel quite healthy and such. Im just wondering bout the future.

hopefully now we will find our directions to the hostel/hotel in paris.
peace and love from WIEN

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