Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Im so behind in messages and e mails and posting!!!
will i ever catch up?

I started today on a bus, but after that things picked up and we hit up Madrid with that sort of excitement you get from a new city (this time minus the anxiety i use to associate with it)
Madrid has not changed that much, and im ok with that. We hit up the Prado to experience the beautiful paintings and such, and I remember a few of my favs, as well as James. The piece I think I like in theory the most, is a three piece: the first a picture of the garden of eden, but with structures that seem bizzare at best, and this was painted a few hundred years ago. It reminds me that the past did indeed have our intelligence and imagination and demons, as the second panel is the life of humans, partying wild and embarassed, and the third oour life in hell to come. And I wonder why it doesnt scare me...
Other paintings are haunting and depressing.
I wasnt so empressed with the famed Goya collection.
as the day moved on my sights and goals remained high, but a 10 minute nap turned into a 40 minute nap and I woke with a less lively expression which I think i managed to hide, unknowing why the sudden change.
we spent the night hopping around down town, and then returned for homework and internet and showering and what i thought would be an early night.
sleep is such a funny thing, i always want to delay it, and then when it comes to keep it for ever.
sometimes the dreams are good, sometimes we go back to sleep to hope they get better.
more upbeat post tomorrow i promise

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