Friday, January 03, 2003

(sorry i may get booted in a sec and i wanted to publish that much before i continue)

anyway. I spent the first 2 hours of this train ride stressing out, thinking about the concequences of hopping on a train without permission to another country and such. Reading the back of the ticket sold to me saying the fees for different things. Expecting the price if someone does come around to sell me a ticket to be huge because, 1 it was a 3 hour trip (25 if u go by the avignon to toulouse ticket) then it was through the mountains, which is usually a few bucks extra. also i was buying a late ticket so i probably wouldnt get my under 26 discount plus a possible fee of anything from 5- 130 euros for hopping on the train. And also international borders usually cost ya about 20-40 bucks extra no matter what and i was crossing 2. So i was thinkg massive ticket here brace yourself.

2 hours in, i started thinking "maybe they wont check" then i saw her. Maybe 50 feet away taking tickets, slowly patiently filling out ticket after ticket for each passeneger who didnt have one. i was fucked, all of a sudden she was on me, i showed her i needed to buy one, and she pulled out a pen and paper and wrote 7 2 0 and i said oh shit, then she put a dot between the 7 and the 2 and said siete y viente and went "what the fuck?" quickly i pulled out my wallet and handed her a twenty before she changed her mind. SHe gave me change said something about have a nice day, and it was over. I spent the next 20 mins thinking 7.20 is like what u pay for a movie, and this is for 3 hours with beautiful mountain scenery going great distances. I was very happy as you may have guessed, and new from that moment that spain was gonna look out for me.
Johnny depp(deep) the mexican looked at me and gave me a head nod, and it was all good.

So now im here. Staying with 2 of the mexicans (out of 4) they are pretty cool cats and they help me learn\remember my spanish.

Barcelona is excellent but i wqill probably only stay a few more days cuz i got a lot to see, and though this is cheaper then france i still gotta wath my cash so it lasts, plus im coming back with james in a month. So yeah more later peace and love TAff

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