Saturday, January 04, 2003

¨¨¨¨¨¨¿¿¿¿?¡ÇÇ**^ªººªººÑÑÑ just hecking out all the cool shit i can do and u probably cant sorry to rub it in...

As for you, you should take a shower, i took a shower today, mr monkey took a shower today, so you should too follow the crowd to the place of better reform or something. Last night we heard 2 gunshots on the block, people ran, the police came, the firemen came, they put up a ladder and knocked down a broken balcony off a building across the street. For some reason the balcony falling from the second story to the ground sounded exactly like 2 gun shots, dont ask me why. then we went out to a small club where alexandro (possibly spelled with a j not x) offered me drinks all night long as a joke sort of, its funny how people are not comfortable with the guy who doesnt drink. I dont want to make yall feel guilty or anything its ok to drink i just dont want to ¿ok? ooh that was so spanish of me. Ha i be off now sorry to be stupid on here, just updating (or rather starting) an online address book so i can stop keeping all these little notes, soon all of you will be on there, and then i can e mail u whenever i want instead of waiting for u to e mail me and then stealing your name to write back, or saving 6 month old letters to remember the e mail address. Ah the 21st century what else will u offer us that the 20 century did as well but we were neglectful and apathetic towards its offerings. oh wo im starting to talk like the quaran more on that later though.. unless i already did talk about that, then i will just briefly restate my current thoughts in shorter form. oh well peace and love

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