Monday, January 06, 2003

Fishing the ill equipped mexican way..

So my mexican pals (th ones i've been rooming with) realized today they should be spending less money so that they can eat for the next few days before they go home.
Then they went out to a chinese food lunch (because lunch is the biggest meal of the day)
Later they stumbled upon some rubbish, that in their creative genious looked like a fishing pole to them. So they brought it home for late night fishing.

So we went out to the harbor which is loaded with fish for some reason, its probably illegal to fish there but they were desperate. (not so much for food, but rather a good time with out spending money)

So 4 shoes strings tied to a milk crate type thing, a broken mop handle and some bread and they were a fishing, and laughing and it was hella funny. (you had to be there)

After a while it was the grab that other piece of trash that could be used as a net thing, then my safety pin. But those damn pescados were muy intelligente and we all gave up cuz it was cold. The story of the night. Its good to be with cats again, avignon was rough a week alone. I realized after i left that i had only had like 3 conversations the entire time i was there which was like 5-6 days, One with some aussies, one with the security guard at maccies (the australian way to say it) and one with a really old homeless french guy who didnt speak english but tried. Oh well it was a nice town. Did I tell you i saw some one who looked exactly like an older jon H (he likes rap, plays poker with us occasionaly, another ex of my only true ex) yeah that jon. it was totally weird i spent the rest of the day talking to him in my head. Oh well Peace and love Taff

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