Friday, January 16, 2009

I wrote this before my nap, but it didnt publish

Tonight I kind of feel like the only one without a date on valentines.

This weekend might be really fun or really dull... I have several plans but they don't seem to be coming together as easily as I would like. Some people have limiting schedules. Others make plans during the time that they might be able to meet up.

Part of me really likes the idea of watching some movies or playing some computer games or reading a book. But I don't want to be forced into it (by not having anything better to do).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have a date on Valentines day either. Wanna go see a movie or something? We wouldn't even have to go out to one, we could stay in and watch one. If you want company, cause I'd probably otherwise be sitting at home watching a movie or reading too. Let me know!