Monday, November 19, 2007


Thanks to everyone who has helped me with this, your support and understanding, and questioning has been great... I am posting these here, because I think it is important for me to remember and question...
If you are not interested...just to let you know, there are a couple of interesting ones in the last class...

4th class, student evaluations (12th grade)

Did I present information clearly enough, in a way that you could understand?
-yes- all opinions though?
-yes –sometimes express directions more clearly
-I am not going to say yes or no based on what others have said.
-yes and no, should try to be more interesting and talk louder
-it depended on what you were explaining, we had to keep asking questions.
-explain more on a high school level
-I liked the discussions

Was my attitude while teaching respectful in nature and did I make you feel comfortable in the classroom?
-yes – more enthusiasm get the students to warm up a bit more.

Did my teaching help you feel more or less involved/comfortable in the classroom?
More or less-either?
-more hands on
-no more or less than any other class I have.

Do you feel you gained an understanding of the first amendment?
-yes- gain more student involvement may help the students learn.
-yes- it helped.
-the discussion helped me be involved
Any general suggestions or comments to help me improve and be a better teacher?
-More class discussion
-be more organized
-just be more enthusiastic with a target to the students as a high schooler’s they don’t really like being treated like really good college students. It’s what frustrates them the most.
-try to keep your lectures and things more interesting, talk louder, control the class more.
-lectures got long and lost interest, interacting w/ us and letting us talk and discuss is good. When we have activities helps us stay interested.
-more games
-cut your hair –respect issue, look more professional

5th class, student evaluations (9th grade)

Did I present information clearly enough, in a way you could understand?
-I thought that you did a good job, but I wish you would have had more group things instead of speaking to us the whole time. I feel I didn’t understand a lot of the stuff you were saying.
-it was good, the power point
-explain more
-don’t get off task

Did I help you feel involved in the classroom or in your community?
-yes but more group activities
-no, don’t be a fag

Any general suggestions or comments to help me improve and be a better teacher?
-be louder
-could have made the power point more fun
-make things more fun
- you should be more energetic or give more games or activities like –bingo, -civics tic tac toe, choice game
-teens like rewards too like candy or extra credit in class
-you’re too bossy, loosen up a little bit.
-too bossy, let us relax and have fun
-don’t get so pissed off so easily.
-don’t play with your hair

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There will always be asshole kids who only have negative things to say, you can't please everyone and you can't avoid them, but other than those, these evaluations look good Mike, you should be proud, it sounds like a lot of them respect you and learned from you. Good job!