Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm not gonna lie, the student's evaluations of me were a little disheartening...
I'm not sure what to think exactly, i feel like I am probably taking the bad harder than the good... as I do... but im surprised by some of it... Im surprised by the contradictions too... different perceptions. the 9th graders are funny... i had them working on group projects 4/7 days, one of the other days they wrote a letter individually, the other two they were involved in question and answer lectures where much of the class participated... but they want more group work. its the seniors I take the hardest... several perceived my challenges and suggestions as attacks on their character or beliefs... and I don't have the time to make up for that.
When I explain the situation to people they tell me that I did good... but how can i be proud to challenge a person into feeling bad? yes, real learning comes with questioning, hard work, critical thinking etc.... but is that my job or theirs? and when i question and challenge.... well... we shall see i guess...

these are the first three classes, the classes i am most familiar with. the other two classes got cancelled today becuase there was a bomb threat... i am not writing down any of the one words answers... many of them were positive... but i wrote down the real feedback.

1st class, student evaluations (12th grade)

Did I present information clearly enough, in a way that you could understand?

-I understood most of it, some things I was unclear on.

Was my attitude while teaching respectful in nature and did I make you feel comfortable in the classroom?

-not all the time, sometimes the setting was kind of awkward
-little cranky but you were still cool anyways.

Did my teaching help you feel more or less involved/comfortable in the classroom?

-kinda uncomfortable
-the same as im used to.
-a little

Do you feel you gained an understanding of the first amendment?

Yes- you did good
No- I had it pretty well down

Any general suggestions or comments to help me improve and be a better teacher?

-Maybe try dressing better if you want to be a teacher…cut your hair maybe, tuck your shirt in! Dress professionally…
-Don’t let some of the people you are teaching deter you. This is something you could be doing for a good portion of your life. You have good ideas (getting people involved) you just have to work on presentation and stuff, keep at it yo.
-good job

2nd class, student evaluations (9th grade)

Did I present information clearly enough, in a way you could understand?

-Sometimes it was confusing when there were different conversations about different civics topics. The power-point was kind of boring.
- have more creative ways instead of lectures more group projects
-somewhat, don’t be shy
yes-comment –made everything very simple
yes-don’t bother with note taking in the book.
-the power point was kind of vague, at first I didn’t know what it was about.
-try to keep the class under more control
-some things could have been explained better
-be more clear on the assignment
-somewhat- I am in the middle because you to be quiet and let us work. You cant always talk. I can’t concentrate when you do . Also don’t do boring “sit in our chair” stuff. I wont listen.
-yes, but sometimes you weren’t very clear on what you were teaching.

Was my attitude while teaching respectful in nature and did I make you feel comfortable in the classroom?

-yes, most definitely
Yes- the “if gays are ok” talk/debate was a little awkward
-in the middle again… you are very much into teaching…. You need to relate to us better!
-yes, but sometimes you were better than others.

Did I help you feel involved in the classroom or in your community?

-sort of
-just the same as before
-yes in the classroom
-yes, doing the posters
-yes, because you showed us how to work together and how to help the community
Yes- in the classroom
Yes –with the letter to a veteran
-yes – you told us a lot of things that I had never thought of doing before, like volunteering in a hospital
-already feel involved.
-yes you did, and thank you for it.
-a little but I think you should have us do more group activities.

Any general suggestions or comments to help me improve and be a better teacher?

-sound more confident of what you’re saying
-I love doing posters and presentations, but we all needed more time to do it.
-Writing letter made me happy thinking of people’s reactions to the letters.
-the only thing I would say do different is use a little more discipline. There was always noise when you were talking and you didn’t really do anything about it. If you let kids do it once they’ll keep doing. Other than that, great job and good luck.
-have everyone come up with ideas before the power-point.
-do current events challenge
-You’re a good teacher
-You could be a little more strict –just a little for example, sometimes when the classroom got noisy it seemed like you had a little trouble getting it quiet.
-you are a very good teacher and I think students will really like you because you are pretty cool.
-be a louder speaker.
-Don’t skip around in the book, go in order the sections are in. Be more clear on what the assignments are for each day.
-do more reviewing each day tell us what we need to know for the test.
-don’t be so easily distracted
-you are a funny guy
-I didn’t learn much…. Also we didn’t really do ANYTHING just that poster. Also, you basically repeated yourself through the WHOLE week.
-more group activities.
-more active lectures, some were boring.
-when people are talking when they are not supposed to be talking, be loud and tell them to please quiet down.

3rd class, student evaluations (12th grade)

Did I present information clearly enough, in a way that you could understand?

Yes- sometimes more energy, but you are very intelligent

Did my teaching help you feel more or less involved/comfortable in the classroom?
More –I loved discussion it’s a great way to learn.

Do you feel you gained an understanding of the first amendment?
Yes –very good just to let us kids talk about it

Any general suggestions or comments to help me improve and be a better teacher?
-more detail in assignments
-I liked that you made me think, but you also made me feel that what I believe Is no good.

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