Wednesday, May 07, 2003

"who keeps atlantis off the maps? we do, we do"

hmm so u know how i always claim i dont get excited for shit? well i still stick to that but like my body doesnt always, cuz it be like 7:45 am and i been up for like an hour tossing in my bed feeling the wrath, but um thats a different story, I mean i went to bed at like 1-ish so i shouldnt be awake, but i am, stupid me.
oh we going to Duluth, my mom is giving me shit for not knowing how to get to 35 w north, i dont drive in the city.

um what the fuck else was i thinking, i'v already got complaints about the bush resume from some of my more economically conservative pals.
kristen i will call u soon, i did the other day but u werent home and i had plans from a previous day to take care of. Um dat be it i think, i could go into a rant and rave but my mom needs the comp for her sermonizing or something. So goodbye cruel world. I catch you later

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