Thursday, May 29, 2003

and this ones cuz my game is frozen

So while i was visiting gabs i went to this on class of hers thats was learning about war crimes and such. That days topic was rape, and they shower a nice little video. (i have mentioned this b 4)

now i dont know why this is all coming back to me right now, but im thinking about it, and i have to say that video was one of the most disturbing things i've seen and heard in my life. Not so much that it was new info, more just so very real.
Now the majority of the movie had to do with female rape, but after a good 40 mins or so they brought up the fact that men are raped as well, and this was a good thing, just so that it could reach the whole audience. So they were discussing male rape, and brought up the fact that sometimes peetration isnt enough, sometimes they like to really humiliate the man by castratng him. And i think that really drove it home for me. Cuz well, to be honest, though i have alway known rape is a horrible horrible thing, i never knew just how horrible until they compared it to men getting castrated, and now it makes much more sense. I think they should do that more often. Just to you know, reach the whole audience. Cuz we will never really understand anything until its put in our terms.

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