Monday, November 21, 2011

3 updates and a note

The reconciliation process has begun, I think. Trying to be careful not to give in to my ever forgiving personality, and stay true to the pieces of real hurt.

Teaching 4 classes during interim: Improv, Logic, History through Graphic Novels, Struggle & Occupy (an updated history of MN activism).
Looking forward to graphic novels the least. I'm co-teaching Logic with the math teacher, should be interesting. I think he is thinking of logical progressions in  math, what is missing from this equation?  How do these elements interact to give you the missing portion? Where as I am thinking of logic from the argumentation point of view... So the trick will be creating that link, what is the missing premise to this argument? How do these elements interact to give you a logical argument?

There are soft warm places in your heart that can be easily and not so easily opened, discovered, but not always easy to recreate, not ever easy to live without again. 

*The note* Joanna Newsom is doing a good job of melodically touching the notes of warmth, but still not the multi-sensory experience I was looking for.

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