Monday, August 08, 2011

Well I been checking things off my list, slowly but surely.
Thurs-Sat we had a yard sale. I got rid of a few things, but mostly Morgan made some cash. The house now feels like it is permanently in a state of transition, missing furniture and stuff lying about.
I'm looking forward to the new place. I haven't actually seen it yet.  I may have anywhere from 2 (confirmed) to 4 roommates.  I can't really say what my hopes and expectations are... but I have them.
I guess in short, I am really looking forward to this change because I need to expand my life again, maybe take a few more risks, meet some new people and hang out with old friends more often. I am fairly sure this will be a place  (and a group of people) that encourage me to do that.

I am very happy to have days off... but its also hard to keep planning for the future without it coming true yet. I have been thinking of curriculum and projects. Preparing to meet with people and writing down ideas... but none of it can happen for a few more weeks. It doesn't help the energy level, nor give me a whole lot of confidence when I get no feedback.

On the friend level, I am probably enjoying the company of the few friends I have seen too much.
Its nice to be in a place where I feel so comfortable and can enjoy people's presence but it leaves me feeling a little too eager.

Pete will be in town soon.  There is a protest on Wednesday and I have a dentist appointment on Tuesday. Other than that... not much going on.

No big thoughts that are driving me crazy or new schemes to ponder over. 

I could write about every little thing, but its not as concerning when I have so much time to think about it and nothing else to do.

Enjoy the multitude of colors.

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