Thursday, August 11, 2011

I stayed up most of the night so this may not make sense.

A) I had a weird dream for the few minutes I did manage to fall asleep.  I think basically I was like watching this kid, but all of a sudden it was like an adult's voice was doing a behind the scenes narration and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear it or not... sort of what I imagine auditory hallucinations to be like and it totally freaked me out until I woke up. Then of course in my dark room I assumed someone was there... and spent the next 30 minutes all types of freaked out. 

B) Along with plotting wars and other things I do in my head when I can't sleep, I was thinking about how there aren't enough socially and environmentally conscious ways to be a capitalist (yes I know that sounds stupid but hear me out).  I think if conscious people had the options of investing in companies that they knew had good standards it could change the market into something more humane. I was thinking this at the leadership conference when they mentioned all these groups they wanted to get together to change the system, but they didn't mention businesses. How will you change the system without the dominant element involved?  Now I am not saying give in to the reckless form of capitalism we have, I'm saying give people the option to put their money where their mouth is.  Half the protesters who went to the Wells Fargo to protest yesterday probably bank with Wells Fargo. If they had a better bank that could offer them the same convenience, don't you think they would jump to it and spend all their money there? 

Since I mentioned it, the twin cities would be really hard to siege. I think any modern city has too many entrances and exits... there are no walls, no boarders. Even if you bombed all the bridges people could still get in and out.  I don't know that the United States could ever be taken over by a foreign or domestic power without the people's approval, or massive population loss.

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