Tuesday, June 19, 2007

This new sleep schedule sucks.... i spend all day just as tired as had i not gotten any sleep and then when i would normally be awake and semi focused I am still tired.....and then I go to sleep early... (like 10:00) im hoping in a few weeks im better and smarter.... Diego is like dying in front of me.

My Mom is in new york... so im alone in the house, its sort of creepy.

I've decided to start going to work later than I had been... because I keep getting there a half an hour early.

Im trying to make small changes to my diet and exercise routines... i think i want some fantastical changes from doing very little.
shit like walk/running on a tread mill.... or stretching... or less caffeine and sugar... but im not very good at it. and every little thing seems to tell my body it needs a reward.... oh well
I guess it starts with the sharks.


Anonymous said...

It always starts with the sharks.

Yumi Lover said...

Mikey, i started a blog now, it is

maybe u should start walk/running and then when u do u still get to eat caffeine and sugar, but if u dont exercise then u dont. that's what i try to do regarding fried food... it doesn't work very well tho... i usually dont exercise then feel guilty for eating so much fried food.

Anonymous said...

If you wanna go for walks around one of the many lakes some time, I would do that with you, cause I need to build up my stamina. Or if you like bike riding. Either way, any time you want company and/or someone to keep you motivated, I need it too, so just say the word!