Monday, September 18, 2006

I cleaned my room yesterday in order to bring about a sense of peace, then when it wasnt organized, I did that, then when it seemed chaotic and unimproved, I said fuck it and through up a bunch of shit randomly on the walls... I vacuumed. i organized some of the movies. It still all looks crappy and lived in. so many things still in the mix.

Its fucking cold today, I've had 48 degrees quoted to me twice... but i bet right now its either like 55 outside or like 12... you never know when you spend your day inside. My dad tried to instill in me a sense of purpose when it comes to exercise or something... so this morning i thought about it when i saw the rain, and decided I couldnt manage it, I was worried about the cross campus trek I make every monday wenesday friday. the North lot to the science building.... why my class is in there I have no idea... i think technically i shouldnt have to set a foot in there again....

I sent an e mail to a former professor and asked for an A on an incomplete he has me marked for from last fall. I think I deserve one (more so because what other people have mentioned their grades as).

I got lots of homework but its all that kind that isnt for tomorrow but for the future... like i got a speech next week that I havent started on, 5-7 minutes with visual aids. I got a paper next friday too, and a couple tests that next monday and tuesday. I got a directed study i need to start.
this semester is gonna have a lot of final projects. war class , soc methods, systems of oppression plus my directed study.
i fucking hate having a cold. sneezing is ballsack.

sarah campbell is coming up this weekend i guess for homecoming, which is weird cuz im like wondering when we started celebrating homecoming round here.. becky is supposedly coming too but Im not sure she even has the dates.

Im so off with shit.

We were reading some buddhist shit for my war class, and i forgot how peaceful it is to be focusing on something worthwhile. a reminder not to get tripped up on the illusion.

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