Monday, September 11, 2006

(a 9/11 post later maybe)
I get in fights with my rents, my dads side... my uncle Tony sent my dad and colleen (his wife)a list of things that basically glorified Israel, condemned Palestine, Muslims and the UN. I sent them back an abrasive reply and a counterargument I found on line. the counter argument had supporting evidence (though admittedly a controversial attitude)... she sent back- agreeing that i was being abrasive and judgmental, stating that they were two sides of an argument both supported with propaganda, both not bringing a sense of clarity to the issue, but that her intent in passing on this e mail was not a statement of any kind but rather just a passing on a letter.... I sent her a reply saying im sorry im being that way, but i cant not question bullshit and the difference between my side and hers is that mine is more consistent with truth and hers merely propaganda. and that i think its bullshit to say you are passing something along when it is so extremely biased, (attempting to convince the uneducated that they should be pro-Israel with blatant lies) and in providing such evidence makes "a case" for brutal atrocities.

She feels attacked every time I question her following along. She says things like "you don’t know the whole truth." when I counter her bs... "they are both lying, they are both making propaganda" when she feels I’m distorting evidence... "I hate how polarized these issues become" when she’s losing..."you're manipulating what i am saying" when I point out her biases..."Michael Moore manipulates the truth" when she wants to criticize "liberals"

I know I’m not 100 % right on everything, but that’s why i keep looking in to it. I am certainly open to educated discussion/debate on the facts, but conversations with her some times are like talking to the counterweight, not the people, the people know they are bullshitting and so they don’t talk as much in person, like talking to someone who is clearly wrong, uneducated and biased all the while claiming innocence and truth.
She’s not a bad person, neither is my dad or my uncle, they just don’t know what they are talking about but keep bringing it up.

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