Thursday, March 30, 2006

I caught myself ranting on ryans comment system. (he was talking about the koran=Qua'an)

"ryan, i already own a copy of that holy book, and yeah i caught a lot of the anger in it too. its such a weird mix of beauty and truth and for some reason rage... i have heard though that the english translations dont have the right words to get the true message across, and that most muslims use the book along with other holy texts which expound in much more peaceful terms...

but yesterday I caught myself wanting to buy another copy if I go back to turkey, so that if I get stopped by customs agents I can cause a total scene and call them fascists (i went to a concentration camp yesterday, and it left me loving the ideals of the US, and hating our policies.)
Im not known for laying down in the face of things i dont believe in, but it made me feel pretty strongly that the swiss "neutrality" thing is bullshit, and active (but peaceful) struggle needs to take place to keep the right balance "

1 comment:

MINI-APPL said...

i have no idea what to think about all this stuff... sometimes i'm so adamant about neutrality, but that isn't who i really am either, but there has to be a better way. The Koran is excellent subway reading so far. I've really liked the Maryam and Joseph stories. more later, I wish you were in New York, this is something to sit down over.