Thursday, March 16, 2006

the hallway walls and me,

i have some sort of allergy here in france, its like a cold only it gets etter and worse, and i think its something in illy's apartment, near by where I sleep.
Im starting to understand why zach hates cats (hes allergic) and yet, when I wake up all gross, and cant breathe and feel miserable, i find it funny. Cuz like what a funny thing allergies are...

On becky's advice andpartially due to envious inspiration by aaron king, i started drawing from pictures last night, and its weird, because normally i detest such a thing, but right now its giving me confidence and inspiring me to draw more anyway. I cant draw real people, i tried last night, i cant get the spark of life, and i cant capture the beauty, the energy of a person. but the drawings themselves arent horrible, a good place to start.

made illy some mix cds and she seems to like em, so thats nice. and her boy is shaving his head and reminding me of my little brother.
hes an interesting guy, and almost too likable.

lauren (illy's friend from mn) is coming tonight and we are waiting and looking forward to that with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. im heading off to brussels on sunday night (fingers crossed) and meeting krystin, then amsterdam and then berlin again. looking forward to it.
even though its nice to chill here.
Krystin told me she might ditch out and head back to her parents after berlin, which i think i understand but im sort of worried that i annoyed her too much.
If its money and all that, then i certainly get it. if not im a little sad.
and this is probably the first time i have written something on here, as a note to her. which is wrong of me, but eh...

um right... this would leave me with the entire month of april to myself, so i gotta figure out where i can go and who i can hang with...
melissa? rachel? illy? steve? anyone? i hate being alone...

more later peace and love to everyone

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