Saturday, August 06, 2005

while in sioux falls, i was thinking bout that thing my uncle is doing, and wrote this on top of a drawing of a homeless man sleeping with a white flag extending from his backpack.

"We all worry,
but where's the extension
that ensures the survival
of those subect to removal
becuase of our disapproval
of their possibly
chosen, living situation?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that you really inspired me to get to know more about my family. I have actually been thinking for years that I would like to sit down and really talk to my grandpa (more like him talk to me). He fought in WWII and I've only heard a couple of the plethora of interesting stories he has from it. Anyway, if I don't see you again before school starts, have a great rest of the summer! Did you and Tom finally get the rooming thing figured out? Send me an e-mail or comment or something when you get the chance to let me know how you're doing and what not. Later.