Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I had Itunes on random, 3 songs in a row written by drug addicts, then went to work several more.... alice in chains, sublime, blind melon

I was thinking about all these songs and how the lyricists describe their addiction, all consuming, yet glorified in many ways. I was thinking about how artists often try to express themselves, their lives what they love and life in general, often they become incredibly frustrated trying to capture something so immense and beautiful and scary and all the millions of things life is...

I started wondering if drug addicts become relieved in a sense, that all consuming addiction becomes their life and in many ways could be so much easier to describe.
An all consuming life style impossible to escape from, outside the norm, illicits all the same feelings as life only in the extreme.

its very strange to think these people are living their metaphor.

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