Thursday, June 05, 2003

is it just me, or did charles start a blog?

those are two links to the same thing.

but then he stopped, i dont get it, i mean thats like gettin us hooked and then not bringing us in for the catch and release (mutilating a million fish a year) fun times. "its doesnt hurt them" right (sarcasm)

anyway. i been watching dvds and reading this book tim let me borrow about this cattle rancher guy who became vegan after seeing all the damage feedlots and the basic human carnivore phase has brought to the earth. Im actually quite enjoying it, i mean in the sense that there is lots of info and the human side of getting to hear this dudes life story, yet still i had chicken at dinner. what a trash can i am.

and now to end it some words from a mixed veggies (from wet hot american summer)
"look gene, ive never told anyone this before, but i can suck my own dick, and i do it, a lot. There I said it, I was honest and you know what Gene being honest makes you feel better."

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