Monday, June 16, 2003

for all those who came here a searching for stuff related to Titilayo Bediako, (i hope this isnt too late) but this is from nova, if u wish to help follow her suggestions.

nova writes
"Concerned friends of mine,

I have been in contact with Titi Bediako about the current situation with her
son. I asked her if she thought we should be writing to the newspapers of
Minnesota to pressure them to continue with the story and to take it more
seriously (I saw only one tiny article in the Metro/State section of the Star
Tribune last week). This was Titi's response to the suggestion:

attention. They will play on the angle that White people are also concerned
about this issue. One day, we won't have to play such games.>>

I plan to write to the Star Tribune and Pioneer Press, and any other paper
that I can think of, not necessarily as an Op/Ed piece, but to let them know
that I want this story taken seriously and covered well, not hidden in the
Metro section. And I plan to express the depth of the impact of this situation
on Minnesota, on all of our communities. If you would like to write a short
letter, adding your own flare, saying something along the same lines, it would
be much appreciated.

Writing to the Star Tribune:

(Options include a Letter to the Editor, or putting in the first line
"Submitting story idea", then direct it to section of your choice,
Metro/State, Opinion/Editorials, etc.. I think both would work)

Star Tribune
425 Portland Ave.
Minneapolis MN 55488


Writing to the Pioneer Press:

(Direct it to a department, i.e.. News, Minneapolis News, Editorials, etc..)
Letter to the Editor
Pioneer Press
345 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55101

Please help us get the word out that we will not allow this investigation to
die out, that police brutality rooted in racism must be publicly scrutinized
and stopped. Your letter will make a difference.

Thanks. Email me with any questions or comments. Please pass this along to
anyone who you think may be interested.

~Nova Luna"

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