Friday, March 21, 2003

"Wide pain in the blue white break up
All paths divide
Life has a way of opening up" ~Jf

A few years ago i went a trip with several friends and several soon to be friends and it was a jolly good time, though i was very sad the whole time. This is where you hear stories of long island ice teas and mrs lane being insane but in a pleasant way.
The intoxication caused by lemoncello "its a cultural thing"

Why be sad amongst so much fun, so much joy, so much history culture and beauty?
I had a crush. or rather 5 yep and thats that story, cuz u know me. Why do I say this, cuz im listening to that cd, oh memories.

"round 2, Fight!"
Last night I had a dream or rather several but I only remember one real well.

"We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold."

but anyway my family and I (mi madres side no tengo un papa en el dream)
the four of us traveling through southern Iraq to get to god knows where but it was just a pass through country on a grander road trip, and yes we knew the inherent danger in our mission but Iraq was too beautiful to miss so we drove up to the border guard station (which looked like a truck stop only with a gate to let people in) where I realized i had forgotten my passport, (the plot thickens) i told my mom and she seemed unconcerned. Im not quite sure if we were using american passports or not. Anyway they let us through and we were driving along in our land rover and there was war and destruction all over but it wasnt concerning us we were more interested in the good views of the river valleys (where western civilization started, which i as a nerd, even in my dreams had to point out) but anyway then we got stopped by a tank or something and they were mean and i woke up.

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