Monday, March 10, 2003

4 books referred to in an open argument (its just what came to mind)

Common states of interest, possibly just a formality, no prerequisites in my book to have a good time, unless you perpetrate that most unholy crime.
Nova says I should look at my website for inspiration, funny to look at past adventures when having one. We flew in formation today, the two of them and I quick bonds made and lost on a trip across time. I dream of staying up all night having wonderful chats tonight. Wouldn't even have to be with her or her or her maybe you though, what you up to? Must you work so hard and communicate so awfully, much like myself I must regretfully add. Two different styles and we both come to the same sad outcome. Wouldn't it be wonderful though, lets start off with that same old line truth be told I never met you before tonight but in my dreams we can last much longer though I'm lost and gone forever en la manana. And my stomach hurts but it feels good to have this sort of energy, this calm nervousness of possibility. You inspire me you world you lovely energy you excitement and adventure you chats on war and politics and sex and secrets revealed. I've never sat at a table with so many lesbians, one or two but oh you. So did you wake up this morning and say "lets inspire him" or do u do it naturally? Are you so beautiful? Oh I think you are right now I feel it. I could never come here again and feel so____right. Tonight will end oh why you? Would you leave us so un- fed? why must you always push me away you? I'm sick of spiting you, inviting you back, I wish we were all together, me you and you and her and him but not her unless oh we must, her too, but you must inspire her or she will bring us all down.

You pimp you pusher, you've got me hooked. I cant believe you could be so openly cruel. Don't slap, you, you selfish and insecure oh why do i become so disgruntled with out you?

There should be more but i got distracted so no more for you

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