Saturday, March 01, 2014

Saturday and I am sleepy

...but I need to do some work tonight.
These last few weeks have been fairly exhausting.  I have been working my normal hours plus going to school three days a week, and doing homework and planning when I am not working.
I guess I have been doing some winding down activities too, like listening to music and occasionally watching some videos on the youtubes... but I haven't had time to read or write, or draw or do much fun stuff.
On wednesday I hung out with a friend for a while, but felt like I should be doing homework.

Thursday we met our learners. 7 Latinos mostly from Mexico and El Salvador. There may be some more coming, but we haven't met them yet.
This week I have a couple of lessons due (a grammar and a reading lesson), plus two reflection papers (one due tomorrow, one Wednesday) and I teach tuesday night, along with all week at school.
I also have to do a testing training, and give some tests later this week at school.

Its just a lot to keep track of. I am worried I will miss a deadline or some important thing.
The hardest part so far about being in school though is just the brain exhaustion. Its hard to switch from something I know so well (high school social studies) to something I am actually not all that great at (english grammar). I think the content is fine, once I have a classroom and I am able to come up with my own content or curriculum it will be easy enough. I can teach communication, and english basics just fine... but the attention to detail and lack of control in an area that actually takes effort -is hard right now.

I have pretty much cut my social life out completely.
I have been trying to cut down on spending because a few weeks ago I did my budget and realized I was spending too much. I cut back a lot, and its going pretty well. I think if I stayed somewhere around what I have been doing I will feel fairly comfy with how much I have to spend while traveling... but if I have unexpected costs like dental/medical or car stuff it will probably set me back.

I am thinking that when I get to SA, I will need to buy some necessities as I go. Perhaps clothing costs and entertainment will be an issue.  Or if I buy a phone plan down there.
I need to factor in the possibility of getting a job sooner in my travels (like maybe in September instead of December...)
anyway.  I miss having friends and companions and partners.
but my life is full of busy work.

maybe i will have time to be creative and fun another time.

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