Thursday, September 15, 2011

I used to think I was only attracted to women with long hair, after dating Alexis I found myself attracted to a whole new type... its funny how sometimes I see people and I just want to run my hands through their hair.

Tonight was the "parent dinner"  after 3 years of these you would think I wouldn't be so awkward but each time... ooh its a treat to see how much I can embarrass myself. It is also funny to run around the school during these events and realize that all of my coworkers are feeling the same way, casually avoiding contact with parents in order to pretend to do important "set up" type things like mixing a salad again and again, or refilling the punch bowl for the 40th time... or making sure the students are where they need to be...  anything to keep from talking to parents.... sometimes I feel like conferences would be easier because at least you have an agenda... although the few times I had to do conferences with parents at normal schools I had the hardest time trying to figure out which of the 17 Tylers or Sarahs they were the parent of...
 This way there is no mistaking... 
Today was the first actual "hard" day we have had so far this year. I actually needed to get away for a bit.   I subbed for the cooking class and I am amazed how little these kids can get accomplished food prep wise while simultaneously creating some of the biggest messes I have seen... dropped garlic butter not just on the floor but on the counters in the silverware drawer, dripping down the cupboards.  
Cutting veggies in 4 different locations they transporting diced tomatoes onions and other by hand to a tiny bowl on the other side of the room...
I gave them enough ingredients to feed 10 people a decent sized meal and they didn't know what to do with half... we ended up with salsa and chips, some enhanced marinara sauce, garlic bread, hard boiled eggs no one wanted and a small plate of friend mushrooms.
There were about 20 students at the parent dinner but only 5-6 brought family... so it was a little awkward, two staff "had to" run to grab some quick take out so that the potluck wouldn't be completely devoid of food. 

2 soon to return students stopped by to eat with us.  2 former students stopped by to say hi today.
I think its been on average like 5 (graduates or former students) a week since the beginning of school. 

I'm setting some time aside next week to work on SoT stuff... we are having an event on the 25th. My roommates are determined to have a housewarming party the night before...

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