Saturday, September 24, 2011

I think my room makes me tired. I have been getting home at like 8-9 PM every night and headed to bed by 10:30. 

This week was sort of rough.  Earlier this week I had a student confess that a lot of really awful things had happened to her... like imagine the worst life ever and then add all the effects of having that happen to you to your personality which basically compounds the problems. She came to school in tears and left in tears and I haven't seen her since.

Tomorrow Spirit of Truth is having a big launch event. We are hoping for 200 people, I have no idea how many will show. We only have about 38 confirmed on facebook... but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Or it could mean we have a kick ass conversation with 40 people.
Anyway I am not in charge on this one, so I am a little less anxious.  Its hard though to recognize that you can't actually influence people very easily. 

Every day I come home with something to share about my day, or a new thought... or an old thought with some new insight or current experience... and every day I decide I don't have the energy to update...
So yeah... this is pretty flat, but so is Minnesota...

off to the millcity museum.

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