Wednesday, July 20, 2011

So officially we are now moving out at the end of August.

I am trying to clean and organize my room into something that would look presentable.

We have Morgan's room, perfectly organized and clean. Erik's room bare with 3 piles of crap on the floor and 2 pieces of furniture. Mike's room, stuffed to the max with stuff, shelves and bookcases overflowing, no closet so the clothes are flowing over and way too many musical instruments and art supplies.

I'm wondering what I can leave in my car. I have two bags of clothes ready to donate. Cds and dvds I have already taken out of place for our upcoming yard sale (thinking August 4-6). I wonder what else I will actually sell there... books? Maybe I should keep the clothes afterall... I've got 5 disposable cameras for no reason that are only half done and need to be developed (also they are all over 2 years old at least).

I'm gonna need boxes... I also wish I had a place to move into gradually... because if I do this all in a weekend, its gonna suck!!!

Maybe I could ditch all this and just get 1 big desk, instead of using half my large book shelf for computer stuff.
The major furniture to move: roughly 4 bookcases of various sizes, 1 small desk, 1 large desk, 1 large chair, 1 twin bed. 2 closet organizer things. A shit ton of plastic bins.

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