Sunday, July 10, 2011

like I wanted to spill that watercolor on the page and create rainbows that transformed and surrounded the homeless guy sitting in the corner, two days in a row I've seen him and its a stretch to assume hes without a home, but hes been wearing the same clothes and a cup of joe without anything to do sitting sadly with those soft eyes, reminds me of the time I met a man afraid of being taken back by Americans

like I want to sing about the stresses, self pitied attempts to erase the ego and the girl I been chasing, a little less stalking a little less sadness and in a week or two I'll probably ditch it for some madness, perfectly aware that its a trap of my creation, self deluded attempts of dreaming heaven's my earthly station, ignoring the reality, you gotta work for what you want, and in my own defense i've never worked for what I got

like I wanted to hug and hold, it's not enough to have her want you make her jealous with the cold shoulder move on to the next and maybe flaunt too, sadistic, because it hurts them, masochistic cuz it reverts then, back to where it started all alone and undiscovered, this is the type of shit I bring right back to my mother

like prayers to Shiva to bring down all the walls, make me recognize what is real and ditch all the unnecessary cause, like prayers to Buddha to realize that all living is pain and not be less than satisfied believing I am  not the same, like prayers to Allah, submission to his will, and in my devoted self find a way to ego kill, like praise to God, for getting me through the mess because all enemies are vanquished and so far I've survived the tests, and thank the universe, I'd like to go with the flow a Taoist at my center if I could listen to what my heart knows

like I could chance the fates and gamble on a random smiling flowing hair, but instead I shoulder each weight the seen and ones that aren't there, and mostly I settle, realize, that I've got to tone it down, before the cops and docs arrive to take me to the loony town, prison is where my namesake found his higher calling, and a book is where I'm off to escape before I'm on my knees and crawling right back to where dirty excitements found but not true satisfaction, when you're in black please judge me by the motives bound to my full spectrum of action and inaction

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