Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No idea what to do for class tomorrow... not that I have really sat down to plan.
Its midnight and I am thinking about cracking open some coca cola, listening to Welcome to Jamrock (the cd, though the following video is the song the cd is named after)

Checking out people's blogs and facebook stalking. I find it funny that both Meagan K(kah)  and French Girl are now models. Fitting, they both look like adults now though, less cute and smiley.

Missing people, wishin for a fix, it'd be nice to play some settlers with Pete, it'd be nice to travel to Asia and do some adventurin, check in with all the cats I know over there and have them show me their world before they finish their teaching. 

One beautiful thing about learning is that it makes the biases (you have held without realizing it) visible and then allows them to pass away.  I was thinking about how much more I appreciate Latino Culture and thus latinos just because of learning more about the history, this happened when I was going through pictures of people I grew up with but never associated with (not intentionally necessarily, just didn't happen). It makes me want to read more about everywhere. 

What to do when you are bored and procrastinating... 

crying cat in the next room...
What did you steal from memebase today?

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